Manage your Contacts in command

Database management 

Learn how to manage your Database in Command 

How To Add a contact

3 easy steps to add a contact

import your database of contacts

How to bulk import multiple contacts at once.

How to move a contact to leads

Smartplans: quick overview

The Smartplans applet is now live inside of KW Command. You can now view your smartplans and the smartplans library for management and adding to smartplans. In the future you'll be able to edit the current smartplans and create new smart plans. 

Contact SMartplans and neighborhood tags

This video dives into how to tag a neighborhood for a contact in KW Command, a preview of the 1 to 1 website for the consumer, how to share that site, how to set up smart plans to automate an e-mail for the neighborhood nurture plans and the Kelle Guide to set up smart plans for the first time. 

contacts smartview

How to organize your contacts and create a smartview

Smartplans & campsigns webinar 

in depth e Class: crm, contacts, smartplans, tasks & more

Who should i call? command smartviewer

Watch this short video to learn how to apply the Kelle Who Should I Call? Smartview to your Contacts in order to filter your Database by Contacts that you have not reached out to in over 30 days. 

How to Sync google contacts in command

Using the Pie Sync App

Campaigns - Results & MEtrics

Campaigns and the results & metrics from Social Media Ads, specifically running facebook ads from Command!